الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ |
- أغرب تهمه فى العالم ..اعتقال امريكى والسبب...؟؟؟
- قدم داخل رأس طفل !!! سبحان الله
- عشر نصائح للتخلص من حب الشباب...!!
- من أروع الكلام عن الرجل والمرأه؟؟؟
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- القادسية يتوج بكأس السوبر الكويتية
- بايرن يتحضر لموقعته مع تشلسي بتعادل مخيب
- 13 Incredible Advertisements by Supparat Thepparat
- Create a Realistic Underwater Scene in Photoshop
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أغرب تهمه فى العالم ..اعتقال امريكى والسبب...؟؟؟ Posted: 28 Aug 2013 08:10 AM PDT احتجزت الشرطة في ولاية كاليفورنيا، رجلا قالت انه "عض" ثعبان في اعتداء غير مبرر من جانبه على الثعبان الذي يربيه احد معارفه. وقالت شرطة سكرامنتو بولاية كاليفورنيا، ان المشتبه به ويدعى ديفيد سينك (54 عاما) اعتقل مساء الخميس للاشتباه في تشويهه الحيوان الزاحف.وفي مقابلة من محبسه بثت على محطة "كي.اوه.في.ار-تي.في " بمدينة سكرامنتو قال سينك انه لا يتذكر الحادث بعدما دخل في حالة نسيان تام نتيجة الافراط في شرب الكحول لكنه يشعر برهبة كالجحيم بشأنه. وفي سؤاله لماذا يمكن ان يقدم على عض ثعبان اجاب قائلا "ثملت من الشرب وبت كالمجنون. لا أعرف. اعاني من ادمان الخمر منذ فترة طويلة"، ونقل سينك للحجز بعدما عثرت الشرطة عليه مستلقيا على الارض وعلى وجهه اثار دماء وذلك استجابة لبلاغ بحدوث اعتداء. وقال المتحدث باسم الشرطة "لا يوجد اي شيء يدل على ان الثعبان اثار الرجل على الاطلاق. انه (سينك) عض الثعبان فجأة . ما افهمه انه لم يقل شيئا. لم يكن متماسكا بالمرة." واضاف ان الثعبان ذي اللونين البني الفاتح والقاتم والذي يصل طوله لثلاثة الى اربعة اقدام كان يتعافى من اجراء جراحي بيطري. وقال سينك في المقابلة "لست مولعا بالثعابين على الاطلاق انها على العكس من ذلك في الغالب. انها (الثعابين) تعضني. المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: ركن الموسوعة بوك Hyvf jili tn hguhgl >>hujrhg hlvd;n ,hgsff>>>??? |
قدم داخل رأس طفل !!! سبحان الله Posted: 28 Aug 2013 08:10 AM PDT أصيب طبيب أميركي بالذهول عندما كان يجري فحصا ميكروسكوبيا لرضيع عمره 3 أيام واكتشف قدما داخل دماغه. وذكرت مجلة "كي ال ايه نيوز" ان "الطبيب بول غراب الذي يعمل في مستشفى "ميموريال" للأطفال في منطقة كولورادو سبرنينغز، اكتشف القدم في دماغ الرضيع سام إيسكويبيل خلال عملية لاستئصال ورم فيه"، مشيرا إلى أنه "وجد أيضا جزءا من الأمعاء قام باستئصاله"، مضيفاً ان "العملية الجراحية التي أجريت للطفل في الثالث من أكتوبر الماضي تكللت بالنجاح". إلى ذلك وصف أطباء حالة الطفل بالنادرة، وبأنها أغرب حالة في تاريخ الطب البشري. وكانت أجريت للأم فحوصات التصوير ما فوق السمعي عندما كانت في الأسبوع الـ 41 من الحمل وعندما تبين أن جنينها يعاني من خلل في الدماغ تقرر إجراء عملية فورية لتوليدها. يشار إلى أن "الطفل يعيش الآن مع والديه وهو بخير حسبما يقول الأطباء". المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: ركن الموسوعة بوك r]l ]hog vHs 'tg !!! sfphk hggi |
عشر نصائح للتخلص من حب الشباب...!! Posted: 28 Aug 2013 08:10 AM PDT يجب اتباع هذه النصائح للتخلص من حب الشباب: 1-لا تحاولي عصر الحبوب او تقشيرها , فقوة الضغط عليها تزيد من من شدة العدوى ,وزيادة الاحمرار,والانتفاخ واحتمال ضهور الندب دائما . 2-نضفي وجهك برفق 3 مرات يوميا ,بمنظف خال من الصابون ,وعند التجفيف استعملي منشفة ناعمة ولا يستعملها احد دونك . 3-اكثري من تناول الفاكهة والخضار والاطعمة التي تحتوي على الفيتامينات ,لان السبب قد يكون في نقص فيتامين ما في جسمك . 4-لا تتناولي الاطعمة التي تحتوي على زيوت وبهارات او تتناولي الشوكولا والمشروبات الغازية, الصودا والبزورات بشكل مفرط يوميا بل خففي من تناولها . 5-لا تستعملي الماكياج او الكريمات التي تحتوي على زيوت او دهون وخاصة كريم الاساس فيجب ان يكون طبي لان البشرة تقوم بامتصاص هذه المساحيق الى الداخل ,وقومي بازالة الماكياج قبل النوم . 6-نامي على وسادة اكياسها (بيوتها) من قطن لان القطن يمتاز بخاصية الامتصاص , وقومي بغسلها بصورة متكررة. 7-اغسلي شعرك بانتظام واحرصي على غسله يوميا اذا كان دهنيا ,وارفعي شعرك قبل النوم عن وجهك . 8-خذي قسطا وافيا من النوم يوميا ,فالنوم غير الكافي يتسسبب باجهاد الجسم ,مما يجعل السيطرة على حب الشباب صعبا ,لذا نامي على الاقل 7الى 8 ساعات يوميا . 9-اذا كانت تستعملين الاقنعة (المسك) في المنزل ,فتجنبي استعمال المواد التي تحتوي على دهنيات او نشويات او تلك التي تنقيلينها من زميلاتك مثل مجون الاسنان مثلا فذااك سيؤثر سلبا, بل استعملي الاقنعة المصنوعة من الخضراوات كالبقدونس ,النعناع ,الخبيزة او المصنوعة من عصير الفواكه كالليمون والجزر. . 10- تجنبي التوتر والقلق خاصة في هذه الفترة ,واشغلي نفسك في نشاطات متنوعة واياكي الانعزال في المنزل لان ذلك سيؤثر عليكي نفسيا وبالتالي فمشكلتك ستزداد ,وتذكري دائما ان معظم الشباب والصبايا في عمرك يعانون من هذه المشكلة . المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: ركن الموسوعة بوك uav kwhzp ggjogw lk pf hgafhf>>>!! |
من أروع الكلام عن الرجل والمرأه؟؟؟ Posted: 28 Aug 2013 08:10 AM PDT من أروع ما قيل عن الرجل والمرأه: - أبغـض الرجـال عنـد النسـاء البخيـل والجبـان. - أحسـن الرجـال حظـا مـع النسـاء هـو الرجـل القـادر عـن الإستغنـاء عنهـن. - إذا شكالـك شـاب مـن قسـوة إمرأة ، فأعلـم أن قلبـه بيـن يديهـا. - إذا كـان جمـال الرجـل يجـذب بعـض النسـاء فـإن معظمهـن يبحثـن فـي الرجـل عـن رجولتـه لا عـن جمالـه. - إذا أخفـق الرجـل بالحـب تمنى أن يعيـش أعزبـا طـوال حياتـه وإذا أخفقـت المـرأة بالحـب أسرعـت وتزوجـت أول رجـل تلقـاه. - إذا خسـر الرجـل صديقـه لأجـل إمـرأة فإنـه يخسـر المـرأة والصديـق معـا. - إذا كـذب الرجـل فـإن ألـف إمـرأة سـوف تصدقـه ، وإذا كذبـت المـرأة فلـن تجـد مـن يصدقهـا. - إذا أحـب الرجـل إمـرأة سقاهـا مـن كـأس حنانـه وإذا احبـت إمـرأة رجـلا أظمأتـه. - أكثـر مـا تخشـاه المـرأة مـن الرجـل هـو صحتـه ، وأكثـر مـا يخشـاه الرجـل مـن المـرأة هـو كلامهـا. - التملـك بالنسبـة للرجـل نهايـة ، لكنـه للمـرأة بدايـة. - الحـب خريـف الرجـل وربيـع المـرأة. - الرجـال يحبـون قليـلا وغالبـا والنسـاء يحببـن كثيـرا ونـادرا. - الرجـال رجـل فـي بعـض الأوقـات ،والأنثـى أنثـى فـي كـل الاوقـات. - الرجـل الـذي لا يعـرف نواحـي القـوة فيـه ،هـدف سهـل للمـرأة التـي تعـرف نواحـي الضعـف فيـه. - الرجـل لـه مصبـاح هـو الضميـر والمـرأة لهـا نجـم وهـو الامـل فالمصبـاح يهـدي والأمـل ينجـي. - الرجـل الـذي يهابـه الرجـال تحبـه النسـاء. - الرجـل يخفـي خيانته وراء إبتسامتـه والمـرأة تخفيهـا وراء دموعهـا . - الرجـل أرجوحـة بيـن إبتسامـة المـرأة ودموعهـا. - الرجـل القـوي هـو الـذي يخضـع المـرأة لإرادتـه دون أن يأمرهـا. - الرجـل يظـل جاهـلا يالصفـات التـي يكرههـا فـي المـرأة حتـى يتـزوج. - الرجـل الـذي لا يغفـر للمـرأة هفواتهـا لا يتمتـع بفضائلـه. المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: ركن الموسوعة بوك lk Hv,u hg;ghl uk hgv[g ,hglvHi??? |
Posted: 28 Aug 2013 08:10 AM PDT المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: ركن الموسوعة بوك v[g fgh rgf |
القادسية يتوج بكأس السوبر الكويتية Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT توّج القادسية، حامل لقب كأس الأمير، بطلاً لكأس السوبر الكويتية لكرة القدم للمرة الثالثة في تاريخه (رقم قياسي) بعد تغلبه على الكويت، بطل الدوري، بنتيجة 3-1 بعد التمديد اليوم الثلاثاء. أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: ركن اخبار الرياضة (الجزيرة الرياضية) hgrh]sdm dj,[ f;Hs hgs,fv hg;,djdm |
بايرن يتحضر لموقعته مع تشلسي بتعادل مخيب Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT تحضر بايرن ميونيخ حامل اللقب لموقعته الثأرية مع تشلسي الإنكليزي بتعادل مخيب أمام مضيفه فرايبورغ 1-1 اليوم الثلاثاء في لقاء مقدم من المرحلة الرابعة للدوري الالماني في كرة القدم. أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: ركن اخبار الرياضة (الجزيرة الرياضية) fhdvk djpqv gl,ruji lu jagsd fjuh]g lodf |
13 Incredible Advertisements by Supparat Thepparat Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT Supparat Thepparat is an award-winning art director from Thailand. In this article, we will take a look at a few of our favorite pieces from his portfolio. ARS Jet-Pro BATELCO DIRECTORY Bissell: Inside Out Samsung Washing Machine Samsung SC 5125 Vacuum Cleaner أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: دورة تعليم حتى الاحتراف PHOTOSHOP 13 Incredible Advertisements by Supparat Thepparat |
Create a Realistic Underwater Scene in Photoshop Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT Underwater scenes can be quite challenging to Create in a Realistic way. In this tutorial, we will explain how to Create an Underwater Scene in Photoshop using several stock photographs. Let’s get started! Speed Art Video Take a look at this stunning speed art video that shows how this artwork was created from beginning to end. Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Please download them or find alternatives before you begin work.
1. Setting Up the Base Step 1 Create a new A4 document using the presets shown below. You can make it smaller or bigger but keep the proportion of A4 document. Step 2 Open the Underwater image to make the base of the ocean. With clone stamp tool (S) clean the diver out of the image. Now using curves (CTRL/CMD + M), change the contrast like shown below. After that, make another curves with layer mask layer to give more depth to the ocean as the next image shows. Step 3 For the water surface, you will cut with the path tool (P) the image water #1. After finishing the path press CTRL/CMD + enter to transform the path in selection and CTRL/CMD + F6 to make the selection softer using a feather around 0.5 or more. The water surface adjustments, you will use gradient map and curves like the sequence below. At the end, the image should look like this. Step 4 Open the image Sky #1 for use as a base, after that open the Sky #2 and set the blend mode set to multiply but mask some parts just to put a few clouds in the clear areas of the sky base. Now for the sky adjustments you will use curves and color balance as the following sequence. Curves: Curves: Color Balance in soft light blending mode whit 50% opacity: Curves with clipping mask: 2. Insert New Elements Step 1 The next step will be to insert the shipwreck into the water. Like previously, use the path tool to cut the ship, make a path press CTRL/CMD + enter to transform the path in selection and CTRL/CMD + F6 to make the selection softer using a feather around 0.5 and after that with a soft brush bring back some rocks on the bottom of the ship. To make it appear that there is water on the ship you will make a copy of the sea, right click on the sea`s folder and select Duplicate Layer with the selected folder duplicated press CTRL/CMD + E to merge in one layer, after that change the opacity of this layer to 75% and Create a mask like the image below to make depth and then with ALT pressed click between the layers to bind the ocean layer to the ship layer. To make light and shadow of the shipwreck, you will use curve adjustments. Create a new curves layer and position between the ship and sea layers like the nest image. For the light Create a new curves layer on top of the other layers. For the mast out of the water, duplicate the layers of the ship and light then mask like below. For the final touch on the ship, open the flag image and cut the red one. Then follow the next adjustments layers: Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Color balance: Step 2 The image of the stones will be used for better integration between the ship and the sea. Place the image as in the example and with a soft brush, paint in the mask. For the colors and lighting adjustments, follow the images below. Curves: Color Balance: Curves with clipping mask: Step 3 Open the bubbles image and position on the top of waterline and set the blend mode to screen, then make a mask like below. 3. Inserting Animal Life Step 1 For the octopus you will use five images. For the main part, mix the images #1 and #2, position the tentacle like image below and with a soft brush paint in the mask to integrate the tentacle with the octopus. After that merge these two layers in one and cut with path. Follow the next adjustments for color and lighting corrections: Curves: Duplicate the bubbles layer and set the opacity to 40% without mask. Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Color Balance: Now Create a mask on the folder of octopus, after that go the shipwreck mask and pressing CTRL/CMD click under the mask to make a selection with the shape of the ship, press SHIFT + CTRL/CMD + I, to invert the selection and go back to the octopus mask, now with a soft brush you will paint on the mask parties that should be hidden. To make the shadow, you will use curves adjustments. Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: The tentacles you have complete freedom to make the shape you want, for this, cutting parts of images 3,4 and 5, than go to edit menu and select puppet warp tool to model the tentacles as you wish. After positioning the tentacles merge all in one layer. Now make the adjustments adapting the masks for your design, having in mind that the direction of the light comes from top left. Gradient map, to let all the tentacles with the same tone: Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Curves with clipping mask: Color Balance: Once again, make a copy of the sea and put on all the layers and set opacity to 50%. To finish the octopus, open the cracks image and set to multiply, opacity 75% and scale/rotate the way you want to make cracks in the hull of the boat. Step 2 Open the turtle image and after cut it set the opacity to 70% and position on top right of the water. Step 3 The image fish and reef you will use both but for now cut the school of dark fish. Then go to filter, blur, Gaussian blur and blurry a little bit, around 0.5. After that you will make two adjustments: Curves: Color Balance: Step 4 The images fish #1 and #2, you will cut the light shoal. Curves: Color Balance: Step 5 Now you will cut the shark image. Next flip the shark (edit, transform, flip horizontal) and position beside the boat on the bottom, then set the opacity to 75% and make the adjustments below. Color Balance: Curves: Step 6 Now you will spread some bubbles around the water. For this, duplicate the image that you used for the base of the ocean, then turn into black and white pressing SHIFT + CTRL/CMD + U and set the levels (image, adjustments, levels) like the image below. Set the blend mode to screen and change the intensity of the bubbles paint in the mask or decreasing the opacity. At the end the layer will be like image below. Step 7 You will cut the seagulls images and position near the ship’s mast. Then follow the adjustments sequence. Curves with clipping mask. This effect is to make the shadows, try to paint the right side of the birds: Curves with clipping mask. This effect is to make the lights, try to paint the left side of the birds: Color Balance to adjust color: 4. Foreground Elements Step 1 This part of tutorial you will put elements on foreground. Open once again the fish and reef image for now cut just the reef, using Gaussian blur, blurry the image around 8.0 and scale to appear that are close to the camera lens. With color Balance set the colors like below: Using curves you will make the shadows painting in the mask with a soft brush darkening the underside of corals, like next image: For the fish, follow the first steps of the reef. The difference is the shadow and color adjustments. Using curves, make the shadows painting in the mask with a soft brush the underside of the fish: With color Balance change the tones: Step 2 This step is optional. If you want to make the distortion of water you have to make a copy of all layers together. Press SHIFT + CTRL/CMD + ALT + E (Combines all visible layersinto one) then go to filter, filter gallery, distortion, glass and set like image below. To finish, make a mask only in part of the water and set the opacity to 50% or the way you prefer. Step 3 For the last step of all process you will Create the environment. This part is to make all the elements appear to be in the same atmosphere. You can change some settings for your preference. Curves with clipping mask to darken the corners: Gradient Map with blend mode set to color and 40% opacity: Now using the brush pack of light, you will Create some rays of light entering on the water with curves adjustment: Curves with clipping mask to lighten the surface of the water: Hue/saturation to decrease the saturation: Color Balance to adjust color and tones: This next effect is only available in version CS6 and beyond. Called color lookup has several variations of preset moods, in this case, Horror Blue Photo filter to change the kind of blue: Vibrance, to bring more life to the image: The final touch is to add noise throughout the image. Go to menu bar > new layer, in the menu that appears change the mode to overlay and select the option, Fill with overlay. Then go to filter, noise, add noise and set like window below. Conclusion In this tutorial, we have shown you how to composite several photos together and incorporate them into an Underwater Scene in a Realistic way. Hopefully, you have learned something from this tutorial and can incorporate these techniques into your own artwork. أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: دورة تعليم حتى الاحتراف PHOTOSHOP Create a Realistic Underwater Scene in Photoshop |
30 Photoshop and Photography Tutorials to Get You Ready for Back-to-School Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT On Psdtuts+, we are know that many of you reference our content in your studies. Lots of our readers are students in schools all over the world. Unfortunately, summer is coming to an end for many of you. That means it is time to start thinking about your studies again. In this article, we have prepared a list of 30 Photoshop and Photography Tutorials to help get you prepared for back to school. Let’s take a look! Everything You Need to Know About Lenses: Part 1 So you've purchased your first SLR system, welcome to a new world of photography. You've opened Pandora's Box to a huge range of versatility. One of the major factors that sets SLR cameras apart is their ability to change lenses. In this 2-part tutorial, we're going walk your through everything you'd ever want to know about lenses. Everything You Need to Know About Lenses: Part 2 In this tutorial, we'll talk about the importance of lenses, third-party lenses, caring for your glass, and much more. What Does a Histogram Tell Us? In this tutorial, we will explain the Histogram panel; specifically the Shadow/Highlights and Levels adjustments. 10 Ways to Modify a Selection in Photoshop Making selections is an essential skill for any Photoshop user. In this tutorial, we are going to show you 10 ways to modify a selection in Photoshop. By watching this video, you will be able to understand the connection between all the selection features Photoshop offers including; Feather, Contract, Expand, Border, Smooth, Refine Edge, Quick Mask, Color Range, Transform Selection and many more. The Ultimate Beginner's Introduction to Exposure In this tutorial, we'll be walking through the concept of exposure, right from the beginning. This article won't befuddle you with complicated numbers and jargon, but it will help you feel more confident with your Photography and understand a core concept that's a vital piece of the Photography jigsaw. Perfect Exposure Every Time: A Guide to Metering in the Viewfinder You'd be surprised how much information is available through your camera's viewfinder. In this tutorial, we're looking again at one of the most important elements of Photography – exposure – and how you can expose a perfect photo using just the information shown in your camera viewfinder! The Answer to All Your Problems: Masking In this tutorial, we will explain how to save selections as layer masks and refine them using the brush tool. High Key? Low Key? An Introduction to Lighting Ratios Getting to grips with artificial lighting seems to be quite the headache for many photographers. What I found aided more rapid improvement was gaining a better understanding of lighting positions and ratios. In this article, I'm going to be addressing the latter (though it does involve a little of the former, as they can interact). I'm going to start from scratch, looking first at what key and fill lights are, then I'll move on to how they relate to each other and why it makes a difference as to where they're positioned. Then we'll see how these concepts apply to the ideas of "high key" and "low key" lighting, as well as adding other lights into the mix. Rules for Perfect Lighting: Understanding The Inverse-Square Law In technical terms, an inverse-square law is defined as "any physical law stating that some physical quantity or strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of that physical quantity." With a definition like that, you're probably wondering what on earth this could possibly have to do with Photography (and no one could blame you). Inverse-square laws apply to many, many things in the world. In this tutorial, however, we're only going to be looking at one of them: light. 10 Ways to Shoot Stunning Portraits With Only One Light In this tutorial, we will talk about shooting high quality, lit portraits with only one strobe or flash. Maybe your budget doesn't allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Maybe you have to travel light and don't have the space for two flashes. Maybe you just want a challenge. Whatever the case is, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single flash. Here, you will find 10 clearly explained examples in this tutorial that you can apply to your own situations. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Photoshop Layers You might be surprised what you don't know about Photoshop's Layers Panel. In this tutorial, we will share 10 incredibly useful layer editing and management techniques that most Photoshop users probably aren't aware of. These tips cover several features including Fill Opacity, Multi-level Masking and Smart Objects, Adjustment Layers, Keyboard Shortcuts, Advanced Blending options, Layers panel options, and so much more. Mastering Exposure and Flash Compensation No matter how far the technology in our cameras advances, nothing can replace the judgment of the human eye. What do you do when the camera doesn't see the scene the same way you do? In this tutorial, we're going to learn about tweaking your images with exposure and flash compensation. How does a camera know what settings to use for a photo? Even when you're in manual mode, the "bar" in the viewfinder of your SLR is going to show you how it feels about your settings in relation to the amount of light it perceives is in the frame. How, When, and Why to Use a Polarizing Filter Polarization filters are specially adapted glass that, when turned at an angle to a light source, will reduce glare from reflected surfaces. The most popular type of polarizing filter is circular to fit easily on the end of almost any lens, containing a free spinning element for quick adjustment. In this article we'll take a look at how a polarizing filter can improve a number of photographic scenes, along with a few unexpected results it can have. While these filters will darken images by about one stop, the effect rendered in ideal conditions is dramatic. Costing anywhere from $30 to $200 the filters are more effective at producing sharp contrast between clouds and sky, or removing reflection from water and glass, than the time spent in post-production software. Your First Rendezvous With Photoshop In this tutorial, we will teach you about Photoshop’s user interface, and the customization of keyboard shortcuts and workspace. Pixels, Image Size and Resolution In this tutorial, we will explain the theory behind how pixel images work. We will also explain a bit about the crop tool, image size and resolution. Layers, Got to Love Them In this tutorial, we will explain how to work with layers, opacity, free transform, groups, and layer styles. The Lifesaver Adjustment Layers In this tutorial, we will explain how to apply non-destructive tonal and colour changes to images. Start Using the Brush Tool In this tutorial, we will explain a little about brush diameter, hardness, opacity, the brush panel, how to save a custom brush, and work with a tablet. How to Make the Most of the Info Panel The Info Panel in Photoshop has been around for many years but not all users know how to use it or what to you use it for. In this tutorial, we will explain everything you need to know about the Info Panel including how to manually color correct photos with the Color Sampler tool, how to change the increments of the rulers, how to check color values before and after applying adjustments, and so much more. What is a Clipping Mask Then? In this tutorial, we will explain clipping masks, the advantages of clipped adjustments, and how they compare to layer masks. Taming of the Pen Tool In this tutorial, we will explain shape layers, making selections, and stroking a path with the pen tool. Saving and Presenting Your Work In this tutorial, we will explain a bit about PSD, JPEG, PNG files, the web gallery, and contact sheet within Adobe Bridge. The Brush Panel and Using a Tablet In this tutorial, we will explain the most important options in the brush palette, explain the differences between a mouse and tablet for digital art, and we will also explain the differences between the Wacom line of tablets, and which one is right for you. How to Work With Perspective in Photoshop In this tutorial, we will explain a bit about the theory behind perspective and will focus on how to set up construction lines, vanishing points and a horizon. We will also show different ways to create a perspective grid and then use it for drawing three-dimensional objects. These techniques are useful for retouching photographs, but crucial for digital art. The Super Beginner's Guide to Apple's Aperture When it comes to editing photographs in OS X, I'm sure you'll agree with me in saying that Mac users are quite spoiled for choice. Not only do we have iPhoto, an excellent (and completely free) photo editor, but there's also the Adobe Suite offering Lightroom and Photoshop. In this tutorial, we're going to be focusing on Aperture, Apple's own photo editor designed for the more professional user. Or is it? Yes, it's priced towards the professional end of the market. Amateurs will certainly not want to spend $80 on some software simply to touch up their holiday snaps. On the other hand, Aperture doesn't have to be complicated, and even absolute beginners can use it with ease. Understanding Light, Shading, and Shadow in Photoshop In this tutorial, we will explain how to use different types of lighting to help you define three dimensional objects. We will also discuss how to create an appropriate shadow given a light source and how that light will affect objects in your scene. Explore Your History Panel In this tutorial, we will discuss some time-saving and hidden features of the History Panel and Brush in Photoshop. Knowing Photoshop's Interface There are plenty of features that can help you save time under the Preferences dialogue. In this tutorial, we will share some useful shortcuts and features that you may not know about. Crop Until You Drop In this tutorial, we will share some great tips explaining how to use the new Crop Tool in Photoshop CS6. You will learn how to extend the canvas, straighten a photograph, and so much more. Five Old School Photo Accessories That Are Still Awesome If you're a modern photographer, you're probably shooting digital and have left behind some of the coolest photo accessories ever made. There's no need to carry a film canister bandolier. There's no need for dangerous, exploding flash bulbs. But fear not! Some old school Photography accessories are still very relevant, and pretty awesome! أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: دورة تعليم حتى الاحتراف PHOTOSHOP 30 Photoshop and Photography Tutorials to Get You Ready for Back-to-School |
The Ultimate Guide to Adjustment Layers – Hue/Saturation Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT Hue/Saturation is one of the more popular Photoshop Adjustment Layer types. In this tutorial, we will take a close look at the Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and will explain everything you need to know about it. Let’s get started! أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: دورة تعليم حتى الاحتراف PHOTOSHOP The Ultimate Guide to Adjustment Layers – HueLSaturation |
How to Draw a Realistic Aircraft in Photoshop – Tuts+ Premium Tutorial Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT Aviation art has a long and distinguished history dating back to the early days of human flight. Although it has encompassed many styles and mediums throughout its development, historical and technical accuracy remain mainstays of its successful execution. In this Tuts Premium Tutorial by Alex Ries, we will describe the key steps in illustrating the Boeing P-26A Peashooter, a pursuit Aircraft developed during the interwar period. This Tutorial is available exclusively to Tuts Premium Members. If you are looking to take your technical illustration skills to the next level then Log in or Join Now to get started! View the Tutorial Tuts+ Premium Members can login now for instant access to this tutorial. Membership to Tuts Premium gets you access to hundreds of exclusive Premium tutorials, top selling ebooks, in-depth courses, member forums, and much more. To learn more about Tuts Premium, Take the Tour or Join Today. أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: دورة تعليم حتى الاحتراف PHOTOSHOP How to Draw a Realistic Aircraft in Photoshop – Tuts+ Premium Tutorial |
Announcing Envato’s 7th Birthday Bundle! Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT It’s Envato’s seventh Birthday and, to celebrate, we've created another fantastic Birthday Bundle! With $500 worth of items available for just $20, it’s worth getting excited about. Consider it our way of saying a huge thank you to all the authors and buyers who have been part of our journey over the past year! The Birthday Bundle is Now on Sale In the bundle, you’ll find over $500 worth of items compiled from across our marketplaces — all for $20! All the items in this bundle have been carefully chosen to represent the newest and fastest-moving categories of the past year, as acknowledgement of all our authors and buyers who have helped us grow over the last seven years. Take a look at what’s included, and grab your copy. Be quick — the bundle ends at noon on the 3rd of September AEST! Due to the exclusive nature of the Birthday Bundle, the Bundle items are purchased 'as-is', meaning no Bundle files are eligible for item support. This Birthday Bundle will run from the 20th of August at 12pm AEST and ends at 12pm AEST on the 3rd of September. Buy now! We’re Celebrating With a Free Course! At Tuts+, we’re celebrating our 7th Birthday with another free Tuts+ Course: jQuery UI 101: The Essentials. Did you know that the jQuery team is responsible for far more just the library that we all know and love? One such example is their highly tested UI framework for rapidly generating everything from calendars, to sliders: jQuery UI. In this course, Dan Wellman, a well-known author and front-end engineer at Skype, will review every single widget in jQuery UI. You’ll learn the APIs, how they function, and dive into common implementations. Watch it for free now!Thanks for being part of the Envato community, and we hope to celebrate many more birthdays in the future with you. أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: دورة تعليم حتى الاحتراف PHOTOSHOP Announcing EnvatoMs 7th Birthday Bundle! |
17 Outstanding Mixed Media Illustrations by Andreas Preis Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT Andreas Preis is a German-based illustrator, and Psdtuts+ author, that has worked for a variety of clients, including Adidas, DC Comics, ESPN Classic, NIKE, and more. In this article, we will take a look at a few of our favorite works from his portfolio. Recent Works Grow Landyachtz – Longboard Graphics What I Did These Last Months… The Usual Suspects DC COMICS // Superheroes أكثر... المصدر: الــــهــــــدفــــــــــــــ ســـــوفـــــــــتـــــــ - من قسم: دورة تعليم حتى الاحتراف PHOTOSHOP 17 Outstanding Mixed Media Illustrations by Andreas Preis |
Design Challenge #6: Create a Character Concept Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:13 PM PDT We’ve sure had a lot of fun with our Design challenges. So far we’ve had you Create a new animal species in Photoshop, movie posters, and even zombies. In this month’s Psdtuts+ Design Challenge, we want you to Create your very own Character concept. Join us on Google+ to submit your Concept and see the works of other artists. Read on for more details. What is a Design Challenge? Each month, we Challenge you to put your Photoshop skills to the test by creating art inspired by that month's theme. At the end of each challenge, we may feature your submissions on our website and possibly discuss them in a Google+ Hangout. This Month’s Challenge Have you ever wanted to Create your own video game and imagine the kind of characters that would emerge from that world? Well in this month’s Challenge we want you to Create A Character Concept in Photoshop. Whether it’s for a video game, a book you’ve always wanted to write, or a simple mascot, show us your Character Design skills! Submit original work for the chance to be featured in our Challenge roundup and review. Take a look at the works below for inspiration and be sure to read the guidelines for additional information. Create a Fun, Red-Haired Boy Character By Gavin Steele Character Concepts By Marvin Sola Character and Creature Concepts By Ken Barthelemey Guidelines
How To Submit
Submit Your Artwork Terms
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